
John 13:1-17

As we get toward the end of our series The Art of Mentoring, we come to the most important mentoring relationships in the Bible – the one between Jesus and his disciples. What Jesus taught them resulted in an explosive expansion of the movement Jesus started and shaped the history of the world, but what did he pass on to them? This Sunday, we’ll find out as we look at some of the most crucial lessons from Jesus in “Jesus and the Disciples.”

MESSAGE STUDY NOTES (also as PDF download above)

If you had to choose, who would you say is the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) in acting? Why?

Matthew 10:5-8, 15:12-14, 20:25-26; Mark 6:30-32; John 5:19, 30, 7:16, 12:49; I Corinthians 1:18

Top Five Lessons:
1. Prepare to offend
2. Prepare to make mistakes
3. Prepare for servant leadership
4. Prepare by resting
5. Prepare to be in need

1. Which of these lessons do you think is most in need in the Church today? Why?
2. What do you think made Jesus such an effective mentor?

Pick one of these lessons and describe what you could do as a mentor to instill this value in your mentee.

Which of these five lessons do you think your mentor needs to address with you? Why?