
John 9:1-12
In Search of Jehovah Rapha

Many of us have encountered different kinds of pain and struggle. The Israelites had beliefs that saw a strong connection between sin and sickness. How are we to face our trials in light of the truth of God’s word? This Sunday we will examine how God’s covenants help explain our lot in life and how we can live the victorious lifestyle Jesus intended for us.

MESSAGE STUDY NOTES (also as PDF download above)

On a scale of one to ten, where do you stand on whether or not you believe in divine healing for today? Share with your small group or another believer why you feel this way.

John 9:1-12

1. God does what He does because it is who He is (ie God creates because He is creative)
2. God has a mission, to reveal who He is to us, His children
3. God’s mission is to rescue His children and make them holy, in His image
4. Healing is an outpouring of God’s character and prioritizes His mission

1. Have you ever been healed and if so, what kind of healing did you receive?
2. From the passage above, why do you think Jesus chose to heal in this circumstance?
3. Do you think Jesus' actions would convince you of who He claimed He was?

How will this study change the way you pray, live and share your faith?

Have you thought about how your beliefs affect other people around you?