
2 Samuel 23:13-17

Are you a “warrior for Christ?” Do you see yourself as a “good soldier” for Jesus? While many followers of Jesus revel in military images, David’s life points to a different kind of conquering – one that our world desperately needs in response to our insulting, canceling, dismissing, shouting-down, fire-for-fire, dehumanizing culture. Today we find a fresh alternative as we look at “Jesus As the Warrior,” part of our Good News Everywhere Series.

MESSAGE STUDY NOTES (also as PDF download above)

What are you planning on doing this summer?

II Samuel 23:13-17; I Timothy 6:12; II Timothy 2:3; Ephesians 6:12; Colossians 2:15; Romans 12:14-21, Psalm 90:1

Three Unusual Things:
1. David did not hand out medals of honor
2. David didn’t drink
3. David poured the water on the ground
This story is:
A. The Picture of Love
B. The Proof of Love
C. The Response to Love

1. Why do you think followers of Jesus so often resort to insults, power-grabbing, shaming, and revenge as a response to evil?

2. While we are given a “taste” of home now, what do you think it will be like to have our fill?

How do you think a follower of Jesus can consistently conquer evil (following his instructions)?

What competes in you as a substitute for your true home?