
Revelation 19:1-10
Seats at the Wedding Feast

Revelation 19 describes a day that Christians long for; the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. That table that we will sit at will have people there from every people group, language, nation, and culture. Right now, there are empty seats at that table and God is calling us to be a small part of his work in seeing those seats filled. 

MESSAGE STUDY NOTES (also as PDF download above)

Often times at wedding receptions there are place markers and table seating plans, what’s the most fun or interesting table you’ve ever been seated at during a wedding reception?

Revelation 19:1-10, Matthew 28:19-20

1. Followers of Jesus have an incredible future waiting for us—to celebrate with Jesus!

2. There are seats at this wedding party that aren’t yet filled and we are called to be a part of getting the invitations out.

1. What things can we do personally and corporately to get the invitation out to this wedding feast? What things are we doing well and which things can we improve on?

2. Filling the seats at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb isn’t our job alone. God invites us and commands us to invite others and he is actively at work to see those seats filled. How have you seen God work in incredible ways in your life and the lives of those around you to see them take their seat at the table?

God has called YOU and commissioned YOU to be someone who is a part of the seats at the wedding supper being filled. What role has he called you to and how can you fulfill that role with all his empowering?

Pray and ask God to show you someone in your life that needs to be invited to their next step towards a relationship with Jesus. Pray and invite them into that step.