
Mark 12:13-17

Hot Button 3: “Politics & Religion”
Hot Button Series
July 15, 2018 

Warm up
Is your ideal vacation a go-and-explore, or more sit-and-rest?

Read: Mark 12:13-17, John 18:36, 
Romans 1:1-5, 1 Timothy 2:1-4

Message Recap
Main idea: Get Politically Involved

What should we do?
1. Pray for their success
2. Pray for their salvation
3. Thank God for them
4. Lead by example

Questions for discussion
1. Is politics more a subject you like to hotly debate, or avoid? Why?
2. What is your view on the relationship between politics and religion?
3. Did this message change anything about your view?


  • How difficult do you find following the biblical instructions on how to involve ourselves in politics?
  • If you had one thing to work on in this list by God’s grace, what would it be and what could it look like in your life?